Posted on 03-03-2023 12:25 AM
We have 150 managed iPads that are booked out on a lesson by lesson basis across school and we have 8 periods a day. When students sign out of their device the user profile remains, and at the end of the day we have to delete every user profile on Jamf (via management command) to free up disk space, otherwise lessons will be impacted the following day. The shared iPad settings are set to ‘number of users = 8’. Also, students sometimes forget to sign out so we have to log them out as well.
This is very frustrating as there isn't a blanket command for all devices to 'delete user profiles' and 'log out users' which would be a much more effective method for managing shared devices and way less time consuming.
Posted on 03-03-2023 05:27 AM
It shouldn't be necessary to manage the user data on each iPad. When a new user tries to sign in on a device without the available space, one of the existing user's data is removed. This video describes this in more detail.
Shared iPad Temporary Session may also be an option worth looking into.
Posted on 03-05-2023 11:37 PM
Jamf support reported that deleting users is correct and what we are expected to do, and your response is moist helpful. We cannot have the temporary account enabled at our school for a number of valid reasons. I wondered whether you are able to answer a couple more questions:
The sign out process for two of the accounts that I tested on Friday took appx 4 minutes. Some students forget to sign out and I wondered whether you have experienced issues with a 'slow sign out' process on many of your devices which impacted the next user? Finally, how would the device respond for user profiles that were undertaking media work such as iMovie (and that person was the 7th profile), would it automatically remove a second user before it hit the maximum number of 8 to enable a user to finish their task?
Posted on 03-06-2023 12:16 PM
When a user signs out, their data needs to be pushed to iCloud. Depending on the network performance, this can take a bit of time. Content caching can help with this. If you have not yet implemented Content Caching, that would be the first thing to look at.