Isn't it time to get a working forum for Jamf Nation?


I see the "oops something went wrong" error multiple times a day on the forum. The search function is crippled (compared to other forum software). I could go on and on about the limited options here....

Coming from being a forum admin on multiple large forums since the late 90's I have to say the forum setup here really, really needs an overhaul.


Valued Contributor

@RobertBasil It must be something on your end because I never see any issue. Seems like everything is functioning ok.

New Contributor III

@RobertBasil I never experienced the issue you mentioned and I've been using it actively for 3 years. Maybe submit some Feature Requests for the functions you would like to see?

Valued Contributor

Another "works fine here". I see that message maybe once every 6 months, if that. As a moderator on several other forums, this one seems to work great from my perspective.


pritty sure that's a google chrom error message.

Valued Contributor II

As a loyal Chrome User, I feel your pain. I get it all the time. Honestly, I should just keep using ONLY safari and FF, but I like Chromes tabs... what can I say e8abc3630e0c4ec6a43037e40b6aa9e8

P.S> Got the error twice replying to this post ;-)

Legendary Contributor III

That's probably why I only see it once in a blue moon. I mostly use Safari, and it doesn't happen often enough to me to be a concern.

Contributor III

I see it as well. Usually when I log in or try to post to a thread. It's a pain. Safari user here though.