Issues Mounting Windows Home directory to users on Mac side

New Contributor

I've managed to write a small script to mount a students home directory to their desktop and their dock.

Problem is this script gives them full access to that file system, which gives them the ability to modify and access other students home directory through the finder.

Is there a way to restrict smb to only access a specific user home directory?

Or possibly a different method to mount a students home directory to a desktop and the dock?

Sorry I'm new to Jamf, any insight or advice would be appreciated.

I've attached the script below.


co=${USER:0:2} #Grabs the first two number of graduating year
open smb://"mydomain.tld;adminAccount":adminPassword@nameofFileServer.mydomain.tld/Student-HomeCO$co$USER


Valued Contributor

If you're truly passing the admin credentials, then this is behaving exactly as expected. Why are you not passing the user credentials instead?