Issues with Startup Security Utility


Is anyone else having this issue with tartup Security Utility on the new 2018 MacBook Pros? The Mac DOES have an Admin account.



Valued Contributor III

I’ve not had that with my 2018 MBPro, but I wonder if you restore using Internet Recovery (option-command R) and invoke the Startup Security Utility if it will work. If that doesn’t but you can get Internet Recovery to wipe drive and install an OS, reboot back to Internet Recovery afterward if the problem would disappear.


I'll try that. I think the issue is that I an creating the Admin account with JAMF's PreStage Enrollments.

Valued Contributor III

I had guessed the account created using non Apple means but I find myself very intrigued with your findings. Currently my MacBook Pro 2018 is the first one our district owns. I have a fairly full proof workflow for deploying MacBooks right now with the DEP. that being said I have not tested it against such new hardware. I too have the admin account created as part of a pre-stage enrollment. The only reason I do is because I really don’t want to manually create an administrator Account every time we provision a new machine. Let me know if you’re able to dig out or not and what you did to dig out of the problem. As soon as we get another MacBook Pro 2018 model in, I know to recheck my workflow.


So I kept the PreStage Enrollment Admin intact, created and new local admin account and get the same result when booted to the Recovery Partition.

If I have to switch to DEP for imaging, then I might as well go all in. This is seeming much more complicated than just good ole fashioned imaging....

Valued Contributor

You need an admin account with Secure Token.


@gregneagle I knew it was something small. Have any solutions for this? It would be very appreciated.

Valued Contributor III

Internet Recovery, start over. I don't know another way to fix Secure Token issues if you have no admin account enabled. That's kind of the entire point of Secure Tokens. The system fails closed.