JAMF 7 > admin users becoming non-admins

Not applicable


Anyone have/know the command line for ODowngrading an Admin account to
Standard User'.

We want to kick down existing Admin users on local machines to Apple's
Standard User.
I know it's a tick button per computer in the System Preference and log in
and out (That is 150 trips of explaining myself and then the whole ONo you
don't understand, I MUST be an Admin!!')

Would love to push this out as a Policy unbeknownst to them.
Been looking at dscl, dseditgroup and so far have managed to remove the
Admin Group, so now all local account have become Standard!
LOL .. It's a test machine eh.

I think it's just a remove of the UserName from Admin Group .. But my
blunder killed the Admin group thus killing all accounts from 'Admin-ibilty'

Has anyone tried this?

Thanks all!!!


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would it not be removing them from the admin group 80? modify the admin
group, or maybe push out a new admin group file with just the default
admins in, it will be in the db folder under groups

id create a new group folder and push that out, thus removing all users
from the admin group

Criss Myers
Senior Customer Support Analyst (Mac Services)
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Business Support Team
Library 301
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5054
01772 895054

Not applicable

Did it!
Works like a charm ... Cannot do it with Remote.. Must be done by Policy as
Root (for the obvious)

Thanks Chris!!
