Jamf App Catalog Mac Apps not installing

New Contributor

We are installing some basic list of apps some from the App Store and some from Jamf App Catalog

In some cases Jamf App Catalog apps (Chrome and Google Drive) do not install.



These are brand new M1 Macbooks

Some apps will install (like Zoom) pretty consistently

Happens 10-20% of laptops

Persists over days


I tried  

- restarting the machine

- running a manual inventory update 

- running client reset (jamf recon || true; jamf manage || true; jamf policy || true)

- checking if installation is pending (not)

- reassigning the computer to the group for which the apps are installed

- creating a different deployment of the app for that specific computer


Any ideas?

N00b to Jamf, what logs can I pull to see what happened with app installations




New Contributor III

I am having this same issue in Pro 10.50. None of our JamF App Catalog apps will install. We have tried all steps in this article, and still nothing. OneDrive, Teams (work or school), Citrix Workspace, Google Chrome, and Zoom never install. We have a few users reporting install after about 4 hours of sitting there doing nothing. It's almost like the apps won't install until the server check in. I can't figure it out. Have a case open with JamF on this.


Just noticed any app where the Media Source URL is a zip file, the program doesn't install.  I opened a ticket to see what support says. (example: https://az764295.vo.msecnd.net/stable/f1b07bd25dfad64b0167beb15359ae573aecd2cc/VSCode-darwin-univers...

New Contributor

I was having problems with Google Chrome being inconsistent and not working but, not anything else we were just updated to JAMF Pro 11 (Cloud) it did not star working but i deleted and recreated it and it worked 

New Contributor II

Are others still having this issue?

This issue is consistently happening for us. I noticed in each case, the computer does not appear anywhere in the Deployment Status tab, despite having the app applied to All Managed Clients (and when running a report for that Group, the computer does show in the list). I suspect Jamf Pro just doesnt promptly update the qualified computers list in the Deployment Status tab. 

Curious if anyone has had any luck with any config changes. I opened a support case but got nowhere.

New Contributor

Hi everyone,

Was there any update on this issue? I am running into the same problem, unfortunately. :(


New Contributor

Hi together, 

First, a happy new year. 

Jamf App catalog has never worked for us.

Now even Apple Business Store VPP deployment isn't working anymore with Jamf Pro 11.1. 

Great work, I could cry the whole day!


New Contributor II

We ended up switching to using Installomator, havent looked back since. It seems kinda intimidating at first but once you have it working it's super straightforward. I used this vid as a guide to get started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2J6fTQXIwU

New Contributor III

We are on JamF Pro 11.2 now, and we are still having this same exact issue. Microsoft Teams, Google Chrome, Citrix, all will flat out not install. We've submitted log file after server report after Pro summary and still can't get any answers from JamF. Hopefully with the upgrade to 11.3 and the change from 6 hour reporting to 30 min, we might see some relief?

New Contributor

We are currently on 11.3 and I have been talking to Jamf support for the past few days. It seems they have either no idea of what I'm talking about or how to go about fixing this issue. Any updates on any of your ends? Maybe someone found a fix that their support team couldn't. 

New Contributor

I figured out a work around! All of our new computers worked perfectly fine. We were only having issues with ones that we would be re-enrolling. To fix this, before you re-enroll the computer, go into the device management settings in Jamf and completely delete it out of the system. Once you re-enroll it everything should install the way it would with a new computer. At least this is what worked for us. This is because there is a bug where even though we have it set to remove everything during re-enrollment, the computers were still marked with the installed status for the applications that were trying to be installed.

I hope this helps!

- Someone who just won a battle he's been fighting for too long

Yes, we noticed this issue as well. In addition to this issue, FileVault was also causing a problem at it wasn't enabling correctly. We had to switch up how we were deploying FileVault in that, we had to have both a config profile and a policy. One to enable FileVault, and one to set the settings for it and escrow it back to JamF. Once we worked out our FileVault, the JamF App Catalog apps started deploying again.

New Contributor

Hello everyone, I read the whole thread since I am facing a similar issue currently. All apps from the Mac Store install fine or show in self-service, polices to install apps work fine too. The issue is none of the JAMF catalog apps install or show in self-service. Not sure if this is related to my company's JAMF pro being on 11.3.0 since a new version just came out after the partial outage.

Contributor II

So is this just broken? 2 years later and many people having problems?


I naively scoped some adobe applications and assumed they would auto install. Waited an hour, nothing. Rebooted. nothing. ran jamf -policy no new policies need to be deployed... Then i come here and see all these issues. Does this jamf app catalog work for anyone? Because i was really excited about it and our jamf rep spoke about it enthusiastically... 

Valued Contributor III

Only deploy Adobe Reader via JAMF Apps.. we have many many other apps all managed with JAMF Apps with deployed automatically and via Self Service. We have zero issues. 

more chunky Adobe apps.. I'd be inclined to use the old tried and trusted method.. of pkg deploy / scripting.

Ok thanks. ill keep playing with it then. Perhaps its a waiting thing as i only did scope these this am. was excited about not having to make pkgs anymore...


EDIT: went to look at the test machine, and even though the report says 0 deployed, it does have all the applications now! So i can confirm that even with the thick adobe ones, it does seem to be working!

Valued Contributor III

our wait time is about 20mins max, but there are a number of factors here. .. tail -f /var/log/install.log and you can see the MDM app install. There is a bit of a delay in the UI.. and there is no 'recon' going on.. add Patch Management for each Adobe app, then add a smart group with 'patch reporting version - is not latest' and you can track this. 

Jamf apps has been running well since the Cloud server update of around ~11.70.  When they first pushed it out you couIdn't reinstall an app! I get notifications that app updates are in progress. Mostly all apps we deploy are Jamf apps.  The only Mac app we have is FileZilla and is in Self Service.