Jamf causing battery drain?

New Contributor

What's the best way to determine if jamf is causing battery drain? I'm not familiar with using jamf (previously having used Addigy) but I'm now managing a tech who is using it. I've had a machine drop 10% in only 5 minutes and getting a lot of complaints from users experiencing bad battery life and fans spinning at max speeds. I've manually uninstalled jamf on my machine and now my battery is back to normal.

So where do I even begin to track down if it is causing drain? My tech says he's never seen it cause battery problems before.



Contributor III

What do the policy logs show on the computer? Maybe something is incorrectly scoped and it's repeatedly downloading and installing a large package?
What does activity monitor show when the battery is draining?

Contributor III

If it's Jamf I suggest running tail in Terminal and see if it's stuck on a particular policy: sudo tail -f /var/log/jamf.log