JAMF Cloud and Azure ADDS

New Contributor III

Hi All,

We recently move our JAMF pro instance to the cloud so our LDAP no longer worked.

We just got Azure ADDS set up and are trying to set up LDAP.

We can connect to the domain using SSL after uploading the cert however when we go to put the username and password in it says can't find user. We have tested LDAP and can bind with that account so I'm not sure if we have the right format?

Using adds.mydomain.com as domain
Username jamfsync@mydomain.com


New Contributor

Hi Taz,

any luck in resolving your issue? I'm dealing with the same thing at the moment and running out of ideas.

New Contributor III

@jdizzo So it turns out on the first page instead of selecting Active Directory you need to select configure manually and then it works perfectly with all above settings! Hope this fixes it for you too