Posted on 08-16-2018 08:43 AM
Intern here trying to create a Jamf package to install OneLogin Desktop. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
Need help with using Composer to create a package through Jamf that includes:
- The OneLogin Desktop .dmg (the dmg only contains an Installer and Uninstaller)
- Include a Silent Installer Script provided by OneLogin inside said package
- Execute terminal command after install to run silent installer script with custom parameter (installer key)
sudo sh onelogin-silent-installer-3.0.52 full <INSTALLER_KEY>
Using Composer to achieve this is highly preferred because I only have experience with it. My biggest issue now is to just figure out a way to combine the the .dmg and separate installer script together so that I can link the package to a script and deploy it via a Jamf policy.
For reference, here is the support KB article from OneLogin where the silent installer script can be found.
Posted on 08-16-2018 09:09 AM
I took a quick look at the onelogin documentation, and I think you might be overdoing it. They provide a script that appears to pull down the relevant installer (that's what your one line of code is doing). All you need to do is make sure the script is present on the user's machine and execute that line. To get the script on the machine, you can just drag it into composer from somewhere on your computer (say /usr/tmp) and then package that up. Deploy that package via jamf and execute your line of code above and that should do the trick. Jamf will then run that script as root and the script will reach out to onelogin's servers to get the full installer and install the needed bits.
Posted on 08-17-2018 09:06 AM
Similar post in Cylance thread
This might do the trick, might not. Give it a go and test!
Posted on 08-17-2018 09:26 AM
For future reference, here's some sample code to mount a disk image and run an installer. In Composer, copy your dmg into /tmp then use a post install script as below to mount the image and run the installer.
#mount disk image and hide from user
hdiutil attach /tmp/myDiskImage.dmg -nobrowse
#run installer
installer -pkg /Volumes/MyDiskImage/SomeInstaller.pkg -target /
#Unmount disk
diskutil unmount /Volumes/MyDiskImage/