Jamf Connect Verify for Azure

New Contributor III

Hi all,

Just testing Jamf Connect Verify for Azure to see how its works.

Struggling with obtaining some of the information required:


I can get the Application ID by creating a new application registration in Azure, unsure where i get the other information tho.

The documentation currently appears very thin.

I know its very early days, just wondering if anyone else has tried setting this yet?


New Contributor II

I am going through this as well, Jamf support documentation was minimal. Here is the information that worked for us. This website helped https://travellingtechguy.eu/jamf-connect-login-with-azure/

This must be created per their Documentation (https://docs.jamf.com/jamf-connect/1.0.0/login/administrator-guide/Integrating_Jamf_Connect_Login_with_Azure.html)

Login to Azure AD portal> Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > search "jamf" & "all apps" > open "JAMF Connect Login"
The Application ID is the long string under application ID