Jamf Devices - User and Location information won't save

New Contributor III

I'm cleaning up my Jamf environment mobile devices, iPads more or less, and I'm trying to use the "User and Location" fields such as "Name", "Username", "Email" fields, but every time I enter a name or email or anything and select save, no information is retained in these fields. Is this a feature only available to Macbook enrolled devices and not iOS? All iPads are having this issue and every one I've tried is enrolled and managed. Any help is appreciated!


Contributor III

Did you have integrated the JAMF with LDAP or Entra, 

New Contributor III

Jamf utilizes Entra SSO to sign in on Macs, but it isn't integrated with Entra or LDAP.

New Contributor III

I discovered that I needed to create an "Enrollment Profile" then assign it to the device. A few fields populate, but only if I select 'department" for the device. It's really strange.