Posted on
08:50 AM
- last edited
4 weeks ago
Hey All,
I already have a support ticket in with JAMF but I need some help ASAP and they haven't responded over an hour.
Can someone please help me? I have a JIM in place. Jamf Console was pointed to and LDAP server that, as of yesterday, no longer exists. I changed that as of today. However I am still having issues connecting to Jamf Console with AD creds can anyone help me?
Posted on 12-03-2019 09:11 AM
When you set up your Jamf console for the first time, or whoever did, it asked you to create an initial admin account on the server. Hopefully you still have that account information somewhere that you can use to get back in. That account should always remain on the server, even if you must assign a very complex password to it. It's your "back door" to getting back in when something goes wrong with LDAP connectivity, which isn't a matter of if but when.
If that isn't an option, I believe (not 100% sure) that you can re-run the JIM installer on the server it's on, and re-enter the info it asks for, such as the LDAP server and credentials. Of course, you will need local JSS only account credentials to do that, which, if you have that, may negate the need to do the reinstall.
But I would keep that as an option to try in case you don't get a response soon from Jamf on your case.
Posted on 12-03-2019 09:17 AM
I am in the JIM and on the console with local accounts. But I need to fix the ldap issue. Can you tell me how to do that?
Posted on 12-03-2019 09:22 AM
I'm not sure I can. I have only limited experience setting it up. I do know that in one attempt at setting it up, the wrong information was entered for the FQDN, and it was a simple matter of re-running the Windows msi installer to get it using the proper information. But as I said, if you look at the JIM installation instructions, you need to know a local Jamf Pro account that has "Infrastructure Manager Instance" privileges. That means you have to know an account & password on your Jamf Pro server that you could potentially log in with to examine things.
I actually don't know if there's a simple way to fix this issue from the JIM server itself. Sorry I can't be of more help. I don't have access to a JIM at the moment I can do any testing with.
Posted on 12-03-2019 09:27 AM
thank you mm2270.
I should also make note that my JIM is being ran on a Ubuntu server within Azure.
Posted on 12-03-2019 10:44 AM
Is the JIM checking in to your Jamf Pro? Did your mappings change at all with the new AD server? When I was fighting with my JIM it was because I didn't have the mappings entered correctly.