Posted on 01-10-2023 10:01 AM
If you're wanting to create a self service policy object that users can run to execute sudo jamf policy and sudo jamf recon, these are the steps you'll want to take. I haven't seen a clear and concise post on this so I wanted to create one.
When creating the Policy, in the General payload, you'll leave all triggers off because you want it to be triggered by Self Service. For the execution frequency, set it to be Ongoing. Then add the Maintenance Payload and hit Configure. This will automatically have the Update Inventory selected. The update inventory essentially does what a “sudo jamf recon” would. Then to also have it force a check-in, go to the Files and Processes payload and under Execute Command you can put in “jamf policy” without the quotes. Lastly, make the policy available in Self Service. This will then ensure a check-in and update inventory will occur when a user selects that button.
2 weeks ago
JAMF MDM Enrollment and registered Devices prepopulated in JAMF Pro Inventory. Is this applies to Standard User's Terminal Page (Standard User Profile) with no root permission to execute to avoid the Self Service MDM Server Error - Unable to launch?