Jamf Pro name change question

Contributor III

So I downloaded JAMF Pro 9.98 to start testing for a future update. What I noticed that even though they call it JAMF Pro, the application folder still refers to it as Casper Suite. Will they ever change the application folder to refer to it as JAMF Pro Suite? Seems kind of confusing with the different names.


Valued Contributor III

They noted that while Jamf Pro is the name that it will still be referred to in the code as 'Casper Suite' until version 10 is released

Their declaration of that can be seen on the Jamf Pro sales/info page.
[https://www.jamf.com/products/jamf-pro/](link URL)

I also remember @deanhager making the joke at JNUC that 10 years from now, someone will still be calling it "Casper Suite" anyway. The new name is beginning to work for me, but I still can't stop calling the actual server product the JSS (sorry Dean).

Contributor III

Makes sense. Was just hoping that since they called it JAMF Pro in the email, they would actually update the names in the suite. But I'll wait patiently for Jamf Pro 10.