JAMF pro pull data from Okta profile

New Contributor


Does anyone know how I can pull data from Okta into JAMF Pro. Specifically, I would like to be able to pull an employees Department attribute from their Okta profile, into their enrolled computers listing in JAMF Pro > User and Location > Department.

We use User Initiated Enrollment. All Apple computers, no mobile. 

Thank you 


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

You'll want to setup Okta as an LDAP source in Jamf Pro. This is one of the original posts about it and I believe it is still valid. Once you put a username on the computer record, and have the Inventory Collection settings set to "Collect user and location information from LDAP", when the computer updates inventory the user information will be pulled in from Okta.


Also, you will need the spelling of Department to match between Okta and Jamf Pro. So if Okta has "Marketing" then you need "Marketing" in Jamf Pro.

Thank you very much. This suggestion is looking more promising than what I was looking at before. I am confused about the last part of your reply. Where is that configured to match between Okta and JAMF Pro? Is our LDAP server thats connected to Okta a piece of this puzzle? 

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

In Jamf Pro, anytime you have a dropdown that is providing a value and you want to affect a change to that dropdown, the value you send via API needs to match what you've defined your dropdown values to be.

For example, if my Departments are defined in Jamf Pro as this:

CleanShot 2022-10-20 at 18.11.09.png

Then the value coming from Okta (or from an API call) to set the Department on a computer record needs to be exactly the same. So if I want to set the department to "Customer Service", that is the value that needs ot come from Okta.

This is true for any dropdown value you try to set. I lost many hours trying to troubleshoot an API script only to figure out that it was because the values were not identical.

So if your company uses "IT" in Okta for the technology department, you need to make sure you have an "IT" department defined in Jamf Pro.

Hopefully that all makes sense.