jamf recon couldn't update Sophos AV version 9.2.8


Im running on Sophos Anti Virus (SAV) 9.2.8, which communicating and checking update back to our Sophos Enterprise Console. I found that all my clients installed with SAV 9.2.8 and check client SAV version from Sophos Enterprise Console is 9.2.8.
While on JSS, version 9.2.8 is not correctly reporting back to JSS server, instead showing all clients with 9.2.4 installed. Even if i ran few times 'jamf recon', still not updated correctly. To verify jamf recon is working, i installed a new app on mac, and ran recon again, but it successfully updated on JSS.

This affects my smart group and some dynamical policy deployment. Im wondering how does JSS detect the App version, depending on which file?
and Any one experience the same issue with me?


Valued Contributor II

ignore the app version. The build number is not pulled from there

sav version