JAMF Software Update BETA with Scheduled Restart - now stuck at Recovery Mode not accepting FV2 Key

New Contributor III

I've run into a troubling issue.

I used the JAMF Software update BETA Install Action to set a "Download and schedule to install" for last Friday night with a deadline just before midnight Friday.

The scope was for macOS 14 devices to update to macOS 14.5

On Monday morning, two users had reported that they were stuck at a Recovery Mode screen - asking to "Enter your recovery keys to unlock the volume Macintosh HD".

I supplied the escrowed FV2 keys to the users.  One user was able to move beyond the Recovery screen and work normally - now operating on macOS version 14.5

Unfortunately, the other user is not able to get past the screen - with the error "The supplied password failed to unlock the disk".

I don't know if I have any options to get past this, with the JAMF escrowed key not working.

Thanks for any thoughts.


New Contributor

Hello kynect@mhinsz ,

For Verify the FV2 Key Double-check that you are providing the correct escrowed FV2 key for the specific Mac.
If the escrowed key isn't working, there might be other ways to recover the Mac.
Check the Jamf Nation Community for similar issues. Search for threads related to "Jamf Software Update Beta" and "Recovery Mode" to see if others have encountered this problem and if there are any workarounds.

Refrain from resetting the password or erasing the disk unless absolutely necessary, as this will result in data loss.