JAMF times out in Chrome, loads in IE but fails to work


Hello, has anyone had experience with the following issue. the local install here seems to run so slow after a Tomcat restart that everything but IE times out. IE runs painfully slow. Self-service and access to the APIs timeout as do most other functions. I get an email fairly quickly after a restart to say it’s started, JAMF support hasn't been able to find anything. The JAMF server log shows the start up was successfully completed.
The problem first occurred on Server 2012R2 and presented as the start up taking several hours, the Jamf server log said the start up occurred fairly quickly. After working with JAMF and being unable to find a cause we then built a new server 2016 and then another new server running 2019 but the problem is the same. Often if I make any changes to the config the next start up is normal but restarts after that take hours or not complete successfully. Sometimes restarting the whole server or just restarting tomcat works, and sometimes it doesn’t.

<edit> This seems to be related to the network connection. If i start up the server with the network disconnected the server starts quite fast. If it starts up and hangs like detailed above removing the network for 30 seconds gets it going again. </edit>