jamfAuth - Make API Auth Simple and Secure

New Contributor III

Howdy Jamf Nation!


Do you use Python to interact with the Jamf Pro API? If so, how are you handling the credentials?


I think the most common method is to base64 encode it and save it as a variable in the script. I wanted to avoid having anything credential related inside the script, so I created jamfAuth.


jamfAuth is a small Python 3 package that once setup, handles the API Authentication for any project you import it to and stores any API credentials in the local keychain.

jamfAuth Example and Usage 

 PyPi Page 

jamfAuth GitHub Repo 



Let me know if you have any questions about it! The next release will include Ubuntu 20.04 and RHEL/CentOS/OL 8 support (which is being tested currently :D!)



- Josh

"Saying 'uhh..' is the human equivalent to buffering."

Valued Contributor II

Very Nice! Thank you!

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Contributor III

Very nice 👍