jamfHelper and notification service checksum failures following 10.46.1 upgrade

Contributor III

Following the upgrade of our cloud instance to 10.46.1 over the weekend, we have machines that are reporting the following in their jamf.log on a repeated basis:

Mon May 22 17:47:51 TEST-MBA13 jamf[299]: Upgrading jamfHelper.app...
Mon May 22 17:47:51 TEST-MBA13 jamf[299]: The checksum of /Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/jamfHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/jamfHelper did not match. (259218dc3c490c86db89be5bc936db11 != e9a1923730a36128986922e6d3a9b9d0)
Mon May 22 17:47:51 TEST-MBA13 jamf[299]: Upgrading JAMF notification service...
Mon May 22 17:47:51 TEST-MBA13 jamf[299]: The checksum of /Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/Management Action.app/Contents/MacOS/Management Action did not match. (35247d66f433b9b6406e4d2f62d737bd != 0ccbad7bef47314eca5e58ac7ab373c2)

Beyond the fact that this is showing up repeatedly in the logs, it also appears to be causing self-service triggered policies to falsely report failures (the user receives a "Item failed" notification, but the policy performs the task successfully, and there are no errors reported in the policy log).

The machines in this case are all MacBook Air (2022) running Ventura 13.4.

Is anyone else seeing this, and is there anything we can do to resolve it?


Contributor III

For what it's worth: since the machines I've seen the problem on are all new machines with no user data, I went ahead and tried an "Erase all content and settings..." and that seems to have fixed it on a test machine. I'd prefer a less extreme way of addressing the issue, though...