Posted on 10-29-2012 01:20 PM
Dimitar Dobrev and Jamie Bolseth of MentorMate, along with Jeff Fritz of Storyworks OnDemand will be presenting on App Development for System Administrators. They're here to share their experiences in the app development process, as well as providing some insight into the key decisions you will face when going through the development process.
As a system administrator, you may be swept up into projects for developing and deploying mobile apps to support your businesses. These projects demand a lot of work from IT departments and require much effort in the decision making process. In this session, we'll discuss rolling out everything from betas, to the Minimally Viable Product, to periodic updates—while providing long-term support. Come learn how to differentiate needs from wants, understand and establish the long-term relationship between you and your partner, and combine app store launches with enterprise distribution.
Storyworks OnDemand:
Please use this thread to post any questions on the presentation or on app development in general.