JSS 9.32 - User extension attributes are populated... how, exactly?

New Contributor III

One of the bullet-points for 9.32 is the ability to collect information from my users and store it in an extension attribute tied to that user. Great! Wanted that for a while now.

What the manual seems to be a bit sparse on (or perhaps I'm simply reading over it) is how exactly that information is collected from the user. I'm clear on where you can define an extension attribute in the JSS, but how does the user actually populate that info? Is it a pop-up on their device? Is it under self-service? Is it handled through an API and requires support in some application the user interacts with? I can't seem to find any information on this (kind of important ;) aspect.


Contributor III

This should be run during a recon on the client. At that point it querys LDAP and fills in the requested info. This can be forced by running the following on a test client:

sudo jamf recon

See if that fills in the info you need.