JSS API Questions

Contributor III

I have some questions about how to utilize the JSS API. I'm not very familiar with SOAP calls and the like but I'm trying to learn to piece together this process. A little background first.

In the process I have developed the deploying technician gets a system from inventory, creates two local users (procedurally generated based on the system ID tag), enrolls the system with Recon (while assigning a specific classification in the barcode field), runs one of several imaging processes out of self service, and then releases the system to the user.

We have several group classifications and I have scoped certain policies, preferences, and configuration profiles based on those classifications. I have crafted smart groups for these classifications based on information entered into the barcode field in Recon. When enrolling a system with local enrollment in Recon a tech can free text the desired classification into the Barcode and upon enrollment the system picks up the desired policies. This process is working but I am worried about having techs have to freetext so much information by hand into Recon. This leaves too much room for a mistype (and I'm as guilty as anyone for mistyping something). I had desired to bake the barcode strings into a series of quickadds that I could just distributed to the techs, QuickAdd_Managed.pkg, etc.... Unfortunately after working with JAMF support there doesn't appear to be a way to bake this into the package.

The deploying techs always make the determination of what classification a system will get at the time of deployment.

My thought after that is to have the techs run a standard quickadd package and then run an applescript that utilizes the JSS API to move the system into a static group (or let the applescript give them a selection of groups to choose from and add the system to that static group). I have an applescript that returns the system serial number but I'm simply not familiar with how to use the API to perform what I'm trying to do. I know Applescript has some basic SOAP support but I'm at a loss as to how to utilize it.

tl:dr. I'm looking to have an applescript that takes some identifier from the system and then adds the system to a specific static group via the JSS API.

