JSS MUT Question

Contributor III

Anyone know how MUT handles .csv's with devices that are not in the JSS yet? Does it error out or keep going? We are slowly rolling out ipads class by class and would love to be able to run a big list of device S/N multiple times; each time with more S/N in JSS as we go.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

It will throw an error on the back ("Nothing found at requested URI") but it will just continue going. No ill effects to the error being thrown. So if you have a csv of 100 devices, and 10 random ones don't exist, it doesn't really matter.

New Contributor

I keep getting Failed! - 404! errors.
My JSS login credentials doesn't have special characters.

Contributor III

I continue to gather 404 errors using JAMF MUT 3.2.
the message I receive is "HTTP 404 means 'not found'. There is no device with serial number C17MWxxxxxxx enrolled in Jamf Pro. " Although I show it in the pre-stage it has not been booted or show that it is joined of the JSS. COuld this be the issue? Should I run the Quick Add package on this device?


@rhooper, The MUT acts only on computers, mobile devices and users. Having the device in DEP doesn't mean it's in Jamf Pro yet. You will need to enroll it. A QuickAdd package should be fine.