Keychain issue saving WiFi - Just started happening

New Contributor III

Keychain issue saving WiFi - Just started happening

I think this has something to do with Jamf Connect. I've never experienced it on my computer until today when I tried. I believe it worked before I added Jamf Connect to this computer. However, this happens on newly imaged machines now too.

If someone goes to join a Wireless network that requires a password, it will give you a Keychain Not Found error "A keychain cannot be found to store <Network SSID>."

I've looked in the User Templates folder like some suggest, no Keychain folder exists in there. I've tried to do a keychain reset, no luck. There is no Keychain First Aid selection. I don't see any policies that block this... I just don't know what else to try or look for.

The silly thing is, if you hit Cancel, it remembers the password and doesn't really care. I don't believe it works on the login screen though.




Contributor II

adding my +1 to this

New Contributor III

I've been doing some research. Supposedly this is an issue with Monterey... I'll keep looking around.

Contributor II

good to know, I'll do some testing in Ventura

New Contributor II

We're having the exact same issue.  Other oddity I've noticed, my Macbook won't remember my keyboard.  Happens on wired and wireless keyboards.  We do not have Connect on our Macs and the issue only occurs on Macs newly built.  The ones that I've upgraded to 12.5.1 do not have this issue.

New Contributor III

I've experienced this a couple of times. First time I saw it, it came after I enabled iCloud keychain - after disabling that, resetting the keychain and rebooting that seemed to go away. 

Yesterday I got a new case with no relation to iCloud keychain.

It seems like items are split between the "login" keychain and "local items" 

Last seen on 12.5.1. 

We're running Jamf Connect but haven't updated to 2.14 yet - maybe that's the way to go. 

New Contributor III

It looks like my issue here might be this PI. 

"[PI110173] When you deploy Jamf Connect using Jamf Pro and the InstallEnterpriseApplication command, Jamf Connect looks for an existing keychain item in the context of the _appstore user's home directory, rather than that of the end user who is actually logged in and running the app, even though the Jamf Connect process is still running as the correct/logged in user."

Maybe upgrading Jamf Connect manually might work...

New Contributor III

I am on Connect 2.14. It does not fix the issue with Monterey 12.5.1.

Contributor II

I can confirm that the issue persists on macOS 12.5.1 and Jamf Connect 2.14.0. Issues also persists on Ventura (beta 6) with Jamf Connect 2.14.0

Valued Contributor III

I just started seeing this too, however that PI mentions pushing the jamf connect updates via the auto update feature and not manually.  We are pushing the installer via a policy but i now have about 3 students who are getting the login keychain not found when trying to join their home wifi.

Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor II

We also have such a case, the keychain has already been reset by the user as macOS suggested. I haven't reached the user yet, but also suspect a conflict with an iCloud keychain - we prohibit keychain sync from iCloud per Profile.
(macOS 12.6, JC 2.13 - we stay on this currently because of a Kerberos PI).

Valued Contributor III

This is actually still happening, but it looks like a bug, since they keychain not found message is not correct.  The wifi password actually has been saved, and automatically joins once you click the cancel button.  If they hit reset it does reset the keychain, which then causes issues with rejoining networks.  So the message itself is in error since the password actually saves after adding, and the error message just needs to be canceled out.  I have an open ticket with Jamf about this.


Princeton Public Schools