Posted on 05-08-2017 09:54 AM
Acrobat Reader DC (v2017.009.20044) is supposed to read the Lockdown settings from the com.adobe.Reader.plist in the /Library/Preferences/ folder. As per Adobe's Lockable settings webpage
it states under Details for bToggleFTE
"The FTE feature displays help content and tips when the application is started. FTE is also disabled if any of these preferences under FeatureLockdowncServices are set: bUpdater, bToggleAdobeDocumentServices, bToggleAdobeSign, bTogglePrefsSync, bToggleWebConnectors. "
I have tested with a com.adobe.Reader.plist which has only the bUpdater reference in Acrobat Reader DC (v2015) and it does suppress the FTE (in this case the Theme (Light-Dark) prompt). But in Acrobat Reader DC (v2017) the Theme prompt comes up after the second opening of the application.
I have also tried adding the bToggleFTE key to the com.adobe.Reader.plist but the Theme prompt still comes up.
Anyone else experiencing this?