
New Contributor II

Does anyone know what options are available for the undocumented verb 'jamf launchJAMFHelper'? The only thing I'm aware of now is the -path option.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

You can issue -help to get the switches:

/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ -help

But here's the output:

JAMF Helper Help Page

Usage: jamfHelper -windowType [-windowPostion] [-title] [-heading] [-description] [-icon] [-button1] [-button2] [-defualtButton] [-cancelButton] [-showDelayOptions] [-alignDescription] [-alignHeading] [-alignCountdown] [-timeout] [-countdown] [-iconSize] [-lockHUD] [-startLaunchd] [-fullScreenIcon] [-kill]

-windowType [hud | utility | fs]
    hud: creates an Apple "Heads Up Display" style window
    utility: creates an Apple "Utility" style window
    fs: creates a full screen window the restricts all user input
        WARNING: Remote access must be used to unlock machines in this mode

-windowPosition [ul | ll | ur | lr]
    Positions window in the upper right, upper left, lower right or lower left of the user's screen
    If no input is given, the window defaults to the center of the screen

-title "string"
    Sets the window's title to the specified string

-heading "string"
    Sets the heading of the window to the specified string

-description "string"
    Sets the main contents of the window to the specified string

-icon path
    Sets the windows image filed to the image located at the specified path

-button1 "string"
    Creates a button with the specified label

-button2 "string"
    Creates a second button with the specified label

-defaultButton [1 | 2]
    Sets the defualt button of the window to the specified button. The Default Button will respond to "return"

-cancelButton [1 | 2]
    Sets the cancel button of the window to the specified button. The Cancel Button will respond to "escape"

-showDelayOptions "int, int, int,..."
    Enables the "Delay Options Mode". The window will display a dropdown with the values passed through the string

-alignDescription [right | left | center | justified | natural]
    Aligns the description to the specified alignment

-alignHeading [right | left | center | justified | natural]
    Aligns the heading to the specified alignment

-alignCountdown [right | left | center | justified | natural]
    Aligns the countdown to the specified alignment

-timeout int
    Causes the window to timeout after the specified amount of seconds
    Note: The timeout will cause the the defualt button, button 1 or button 2 to be selected (in that order)

    Displays a string notifying the user when the window will time out

-iconSize pixels
    Changes the image frame to the specified pixel size

    Removes the ability to exit the HUD by selecting the close button
    Starts the JAMF Helper as a launchd process
    Kills the JAMF Helper when it has been started with launchd
    Scales the "icon" to the full size of the window
    Note: Only available in full screen mode

Return Values: The JAMF Helper will print the following return values to stdout...
    0 - Button 1 was clicked
    1 - The Jamf Helper was unable to launch
    2 - Button 2 was clicked
    3 - Process was started as a launchd task
    XX1 - Button 1 was clicked with a value of XX seconds selected in the drop-down
    XX2 - Button 2 was clicked with a value of XX seconds selected in the drop-down
    239 - The exit button was clicked
    240 - The "ProductVersion" in sw_vers did not return 10.5.X, 10.6.X or 10.7.X
    243 - The window timed-out with no buttons on the screen
    250 - Bad "-windowType"
    254 - Cancel button was select with delay option present
    255 - No "-windowType"

New Contributor II

That didn't seem to work for 'jamf launchJAMFHelper' specifically.

Valued Contributor III

jamf launchJAMFHelper looks to be a very specific command only intended for use by Casper Imaging on first boot that simply displays JAMF's post imaging splash screen (Which by the way JAMF would far nicer if it gave you at least an inkling of what it was doing!).

Valued Contributor III

Not entirely certain how I found and posted on a three year old thread :-)