Library folder in AD network home folder.

Contributor II

Hello all,

We are AD only environment with mobile accounts enabled on 10.9 with about 8000 students. The creation of the "Library" folder in the students home folder is starting to add up in storage on our network. I've done some searching but haven't found the answer. Maybe its not even possible.

Is there a way to redirect the "Library" folder that is being created on the network home drive to locally?



Contributor II

Check out creating a Managed Preference for Home Folder Redirection. This will allow you to redirect specific folders to the local drive. This is very common with ~/Library/Caches. I would recommend investigating further to figure out what the folders are that are taking up the space. Redirecting the entire Library folder means your users won't be able to take any settings with them as they move around to other computers and may have other undesirable effects. If none of that is a concern to you and you only care about providing them network storage for their files, you may also want to consider just forcing them to local homes entirely and have a mechanism (AD plugin, config profile, script, MCX, etc) to mount their network folder, then train them to save only to that location.

Good luck!

Valued Contributor III

I think he's saying something different.

I think Johnny is looking to keep mobile Accounts in AD from creating a Library folder (That actually has nothing useful in it) on the Network file share for said student. The folder is created upon the 1st login of the student, but like I said actually contains nothing.

I don't know of a way to stop this, but you could maybe write a script that deletes it upon logoff and then run that per computer?
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools


I run into the exact problem and I usually just manually delete that folder but if their is a script I can use that would be awesome. How would one script out that folder on a network share?

Contributor II

Thanks all.

@gshackney is correct. I'm trying to prevent the /library folder being created in their home profile folder on the network.

@asegura - Give me 15 minutes, your comment triggered an idea. I may have a way to script this.

New Contributor

Has anything come of this? Looking to do a similar thing.