List of computers belonging to users

New Contributor II

Hi all,

I've been handed a LONG list of Usernames, and I need to make a list of any computer serial numbers associated with those Usernames.

I'm assuming this is a custom API call, does anybody have anything cooked up and ready to go?



Valued Contributor II

Been a little while since I had to use this, but input a csv of usernames and it should create a static group.  

set -x


#Name our static Computer group (No spaces in name)
Name="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter the group name you want (all one word):" default answer "" with title "Group Name" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#Enter in the URL of the JSS we are are pulling and pushing the data to. (NOTE: We will need the https:// and :8443. EX: )
jssURL="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter the jss URL:" default answer "" with title "jss URL" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#Enter in a username and password that has the correct read and write permissions to the JSS API for what data we need

jssUser="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter Username:" default answer "" with title "jss Username" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"
jssPass="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter Password:" default answer "" with title "jss Password" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with hidden answer' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#CSF file path for list
touch /tmp/ids.csv
userlist="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter the path to Username List (Drag and drop csv file):" default answer "" with title "Path to Username File" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#Default temp file name and path we will build for API submission. - No need to edit this

jamfHelper="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/"

#####No configuration variables below this line.  You should not need to edit unless you are modifying functionality
echo "Finding Computer IDs for users in migration list"
l=`cat $userlist`
PREV_IFS="$IFS" # Save previous IFS
IFS=, names=($l)
IFS="$PREV_IFS" # Restore IFS

for nam in ${names[@]}; do
	list=$(curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET -k --user "$jssUser":"$jssPass" "$jssURL"/JSSResource/users/email/$nam | xpath /users/user/links/computers/computer/id)
	echo $list | sed 's/<id>//g' | sed 's/<\/id>/\'$'\n/g' >> "$devicelist"

#Create new static user group


echo ${var1} > /tmp/newdevicegroup.xml

curl -k -v -u  "$jssUser":"$jssPass" "$jssURL"/JSSResource/computergroups/name/"$Name" -T "/tmp/newdevicegroup.xml" -X POST

#We will use these variable to build our xml file

#Build our array of values
echo "Building the array from CSV..."
v=`cat $devicelist`
PREV_IFS="$IFS" # Save previous IFS
IFS=, values=($v)
IFS="$PREV_IFS" # Restore IFS

#Build the XML from the array
echo "Building the xml at $groupFilePath..."
echo "$a" > "$groupFilePath"
for val in ${values[@]}; do
		echo "$b" >> "$groupFilePath"
		echo "<id>$val</id>" >> "$groupFilePath"
		echo "$c" >> "$groupFilePath"
	echo "$d" >> "$groupFilePath"
	#Submit group to JSS
echo "File submitting to $jssURL..."
	curl -k -v -u "$jssUser":"$jssPass" "$jssURL"/JSSResource/computergroups/name/$Name -T "$groupFilePath" -X PUT

#Clean up
rm "$groupFilePath"
rm "$devicelist"
rm /tmp/newdevicegroup.xml

"$jamfHelper" -windowType "utility" -title "Script Done" -description "Script Finished Running" -timeout 300 -button1 "OK"

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor II

Been a little while since I had to use this, but input a csv of usernames and it should create a static group.  

set -x


#Name our static Computer group (No spaces in name)
Name="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter the group name you want (all one word):" default answer "" with title "Group Name" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#Enter in the URL of the JSS we are are pulling and pushing the data to. (NOTE: We will need the https:// and :8443. EX: )
jssURL="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter the jss URL:" default answer "" with title "jss URL" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#Enter in a username and password that has the correct read and write permissions to the JSS API for what data we need

jssUser="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter Username:" default answer "" with title "jss Username" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"
jssPass="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter Password:" default answer "" with title "jss Password" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with hidden answer' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#CSF file path for list
touch /tmp/ids.csv
userlist="$(osascript -e 'display dialog "Please enter the path to Username List (Drag and drop csv file):" default answer "" with title "Path to Username File" giving up after 86400 with text buttons {"OK"} default button 1' -e 'return text returned of result')"

#Default temp file name and path we will build for API submission. - No need to edit this

jamfHelper="/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/"

#####No configuration variables below this line.  You should not need to edit unless you are modifying functionality
echo "Finding Computer IDs for users in migration list"
l=`cat $userlist`
PREV_IFS="$IFS" # Save previous IFS
IFS=, names=($l)
IFS="$PREV_IFS" # Restore IFS

for nam in ${names[@]}; do
	list=$(curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -X GET -k --user "$jssUser":"$jssPass" "$jssURL"/JSSResource/users/email/$nam | xpath /users/user/links/computers/computer/id)
	echo $list | sed 's/<id>//g' | sed 's/<\/id>/\'$'\n/g' >> "$devicelist"

#Create new static user group


echo ${var1} > /tmp/newdevicegroup.xml

curl -k -v -u  "$jssUser":"$jssPass" "$jssURL"/JSSResource/computergroups/name/"$Name" -T "/tmp/newdevicegroup.xml" -X POST

#We will use these variable to build our xml file

#Build our array of values
echo "Building the array from CSV..."
v=`cat $devicelist`
PREV_IFS="$IFS" # Save previous IFS
IFS=, values=($v)
IFS="$PREV_IFS" # Restore IFS

#Build the XML from the array
echo "Building the xml at $groupFilePath..."
echo "$a" > "$groupFilePath"
for val in ${values[@]}; do
		echo "$b" >> "$groupFilePath"
		echo "<id>$val</id>" >> "$groupFilePath"
		echo "$c" >> "$groupFilePath"
	echo "$d" >> "$groupFilePath"
	#Submit group to JSS
echo "File submitting to $jssURL..."
	curl -k -v -u "$jssUser":"$jssPass" "$jssURL"/JSSResource/computergroups/name/$Name -T "$groupFilePath" -X PUT

#Clean up
rm "$groupFilePath"
rm "$devicelist"
rm /tmp/newdevicegroup.xml

"$jamfHelper" -windowType "utility" -title "Script Done" -description "Script Finished Running" -timeout 300 -button1 "OK"

this looks awesome, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

This worked great- I did have to change the line with xpath to:

xmllint --xpath "//users/user/links/computers/computer/id" -

for it to work, but otherwise was great! Thanks so much.