Posted on 06-07-2010 09:30 AM
Dear JAMF, Please remove Don Montalvo, aka donmontalvo at, for his unnecessary and unwanted attacks on this JAMF sponsored Listserv. This form of internet bullying cannot be tolerated on a medium we pay tens of thousands of dollars per year for. Don's unprofessional behavior ruins this forum for all involved and it is at his request that I strongly urge you to censor his future remarks. I will also bring this up during my renewal as a reminder why this method of support just doesn't work.
Finally, I would like to say that in my own humble opinion, I believe we are all in this JAMF community together. I see the Casper Suite as a maturing product with a (somewhat) maturing community. Sure the mailing lists are a different forum for support than some are used to and everyone (save for one) makes mistakes. I know this whole digest response thing drives certain people mad but, honestly, let's try to maintain a sense of understanding for our brothers as well as our users. After all, we all have to start some place.
Tim Winningham
Systems Manager
The Ohio State University