Local accounts cannot log in


HI Guys,

I have a weird issue here, I have machines where network accounts can log into the machine but a normal local account created by the admin user is unable to log in. it just shakes when trying to authenticate, I have tried a permission repair and checked the date time to make sure it is correct, I am now wondering if there is something I have enabled on a config profile or not enabled on a config profile that I am deploying that is causing this... I tried to turn on the "local-only users may log in" under the access tab in the login window settings but that does not seem to have helped. Has anyone seen this behaviour before?


New Contributor II

The local user account name doesn't happen to match with anything in your directory services (AD, etc)? If so that would probably cause it to fail.


Good call, I am going to check now, thanks, although that would be really odd name for someone to add to our AD...

New Contributor III

If you use a LoginWindow configuration profile make sure under Access the checkbox "Local-only users may log in" is checked. I unchecked this by accident and local user could no longer login only AD users and admin accounts.