Posted on 10-10-2023 12:47 AM
Hi folks,
is it possible to set up the very common Make Me Admin Skript for my Macs as a local executable file? It would be no problem to hardcode the local admin credentials into the skript.
Thanks for your replies.
Posted on 10-10-2023 05:51 AM
I wouldn't recommend hard coding credentails into a script, best to obfuscate the string using something like below.
As far as making the script be a clickable executable. Automator or shortcuts may work for this; depending on the target version of macOS. The most straightforward way would be t o append dot command to the shell script, this would cause it to run when double clicked if permissions are set correctly. ie local admin.command
Posted on 10-10-2023 06:17 AM
If you're looking to manage admin temporary admin rights. I'd either enable Jamf's makemeadmin script in self service, or look into
Posted on 10-10-2023 10:24 AM
Thats what i`m looking for - thanx man