Log for Permission Repairs

Contributor III

Hello all,

Thank you for looking at my post. I would like to write a script that shows the time/date that the "repair disk permissions" was ran. Is there a log file or somewhere that will show this time stamp that I could report using a script and extension attribute?


Legendary Contributor III

There might be a system level one, not sure, but Disk Utility maintains a log in each user directory that has information about disk permissions repairs. So it would be located in something like ~/Library/Log/DiskUtility.log or /Users/<username>/Library/Logs/DiskUtility.log

This only applies when the logged in user opens Disk Utility.app and runs a Repair Permissions. As far as I can see, the same log won't store when its done from the command line (sudo diskutil -repairPermissions /) or when done after booting to Recovery HD.

Contributor III

Thanks for your reply.