Login policy for machine with user that has auto-login

New Contributor

We have a situation where we have 30 machines that auto-login as a specific user. We have a login policy that mounts network storage for these 30 machines. It seems that a user that logins in automatically does not trigger a login login policy. Is this correct?

Any ideas how I can get around this?

As a workaround for now, we created an offline policy. We log the user out and log them back in once. Then from that point forward everything works. But making changes requires the same workaround each time.



I would guess that this is happening because the machine has not yet been able to establish a network connection, and therefore can not check the JSS to see if there are any login policies that need to be run. Have you looked into using a launchagent or launchdaemons to perform the actions that the login policy is performing?