Login Text Box Issues with Mavericks

New Contributor II

We have set a configuration policy to provide login and password input boxes for our laptops and desktops. After moving to Mavericks, sometimes the input boxes show up at login, sometimes it is users pictures from which to select.


Contributor II

Do you mean a configuration profile that determines List of users vs Name and Password under the Users & Groups Login Option under system preferences? Also, is it a Configuration Profile or Managed Preference that is pushing this setting. If it is a Configuration Profile, make sure the scopes aren't conflicting.

New Contributor II

We have the same issue and found it to as mentioned above conflicting MCX managed preferences. I have since retired MCX and am now just using profiles which seems to be working a treat.

New Contributor II

It is a configuration profile that is set to show Name and Password instead of List of Users. It is not a Managed Preference. Not sure if it matters, but we are using v.9.31.

Contributor II

Good being that it is a configuration profile. Can you verify that the profile actually made it to the Macs in question? (System Preferences > Profiles) Also, are you using FileVault to encrypt your macs? As FileVault will cause the List of users vs the Name and Password text field input.

New Contributor III

@mojo21221 -- I'm having the same problem, and yes, on FV2 enabled computers. Now that we have FV2 on, its even more important to hide that "list of users" display.

Is there no way to have "Name and Password" and FV2 at the same time?

New Contributor III

OK, further reading has convinced me that "Name and Paswd" on the pre-boot login screen that FV2 machines use isn't going to happen.

So let me alter the question... is there a way instead to "hide" FV2 enabled accounts from showing up?