Login window settings not sticking


I've been noticing a problem on my machines running 10.9.3-4 lately, that I haven't found a solution to.

I've set the login window to display text boxes instead of portraits through Config Profiles, so that users can't see the management account.

This setting used to work like a charm but lately I've found that it's been reverting back to portraits even though the profile is available on the machines.

Is there anyone else that have seen this?


Valued Contributor III

How exactly do you have your profiles scoped?


The one containing the settings for power management and login window are scoped to all machines. So is the one containing screen saver settings.

Then I have a couple that are scoped to different companies but they only contain different network shares.

Edit: In cased I missunderstood what you mean't all policies are set to "Computer Level".


@makander not sure if you ever resolved this but login window configuration profile is consistent with a known issue with version 9.32 of the Casper Suite identified as D-007677/and 10.9.3. It looks like this issue is fixed in version 9.4. I was able to overcome the issue we were running into by removing the security and privacy configuration profile payload scoped to the same client. Let me know thanks



I managed to resolve it by breaking down my profiles and making it more granular. I think I was running 9.4 at the time.

Honored Contributor II

We've seen this issue a few times. Sometimes the Mac boots up and the login window is set, if you login to an account, then log out again it reverts to list of users. We normally set this using a script / command:

/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow SHOWFULLNAME -bool true

You could add this command to a policy.