Posted on 08-22-2022 09:51 AM
Hey All!
I've tried with 0 success to get the screensaver to load up on the login window. (set to 1min to speed up testing)
I've tried all the Screensavers, but none will load over the login window.
However, if a user is logged in, no problem, the screensaver comes right up.
It's not the biggest problem, but to save my screens from burning, I set a power setting to put the display to sleep instead. Students think the Macs are off instead of sitting down to use them and drift off to use a PC. We run lots of metrics and device use often defines device purchasing.
Any suggestions or maybe an upcoming patch/update? I've tried some of the older scripting madness I used to use to overwrite pref/plists etc but those no longer work (really haven't worked well since Catalina). I'm just stuck. 😥
Posted on 08-23-2022 06:34 AM
Screen burn in, isn't really a thing anymore.
Also I believe this just has been broke for a long long time and either nobody has submitted feedback to Apple or they don't care.
08-25-2022 05:06 PM - edited 08-25-2022 05:09 PM
Since BigSur I haven't been able to call a login screensaver. Works fine on Catalina. I know the OLED's and LCD's don't burn burn like CRT's and tubers but they are just on (super bright) ALLLLLLL day/night and I just worry about reduced lifespan, and dimming. The aluminum iMacs I used to get ghosting sometimes if the login window was up too long so I popped em to sleep.
Wish apple would fix their stuff :(
Posted on 08-25-2022 09:36 AM
We create push a .pkg (folder with some pictures) for our screen saver then run this script to enable the screen saver.
# Get user logged into console and put into variable "user"
user=`ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4`
osMajor=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F"." '{print $2}')
osMinor=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F"." '{print $3}')
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write CleanExit -string "YES"
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write PrefsVersion -int 100
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write showClock -string "YES"
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write idleTime -int 900
if [[ $osMajor -eq 14 ]] && [[ $osMinor -ge 2 ]]; then
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write moduleDict -dict moduleName -string "iLifeSlideshows" path -string "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/PlugIns/iLifeSlideshows.appex" type -int 0
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write moduleDict -dict moduleName -string "iLifeSlideshows" path -string "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/iLifeSlideshows.saver" type -int 0
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write tokenRemovalAction -int 0
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write LastViewedPhotoPath -string ""
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write SelectedFolderPath -string "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/JamfCustomApps/ScreenSaver"
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write SelectedSource -int 3
sudo -u $user defaults -currentHost write styleKey -string "Classic"
sudo killall -hup cfprefsd
08-25-2022 05:03 PM - edited 08-25-2022 05:07 PM
Hrm. I used to run something similar pre-Catalina but Apple changed some stuff and I couldn't get it to work on the login window and wasn't gonna kill myself over it. I'll give it a test go. Thanks!