Logout all other users on Login

New Contributor

My problem is in my school system, children often leave their computer without logging off, so when the computer sleeps, the only person who can use the computer is that student. To combat this, we enabled fast user switching, but now we have another problem, we still only want one user at a time logged in, but we don't want the computer to be locked down to that one user, we want to be able to switch but only have one active user. Below is a script that I wrote to use with Fast User Switching, and it works, however it causes the sign-in screen to be glitchy and unusable. The accounts use LDAP.

loggedinusers=$(who -q | sed -n 's/# users = (.*)/1/p') # Pull number of logged in users

for ((i=1; i<=loggedinusers; i++)); do 
    lastUser=$(last |grep "logged in" |sed -n "$i p"|awk '{print $1;}')
    echo "Last User: $lastUser" #Debug
    echo "Current User: $3"     #Debug
    if [ "$3" != "$lastUser" ] 
        echo " $lastUser was logged off" #Debug
        pkill -u $lastUser loginwindow
exit 0

Is there another way to log off all other accounts when an account logs on?