Posted on
08:26 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
MAC Online/Offline status on live.
Is there any option to monitor the machine whether its Online/Offline on live status is there any external attribute scripting.
Posted on 10-11-2019 08:42 AM
No, this isn't possible with Jamf Pro. You get that with products like Apple Remote Desktop, but that's because it works in a different way than Jamf Pro. With ARD, your Macs are constantly broadcasting their status over the network and the ARD app simply monitors those broadcasts in real time. With Jamf, the Macs only check in to your server for policies and other items on a scheduled basis, or if a user initiates a connection in Self Service. The Jamf server is never really reaching out to your Macs.
The best you can do is use your last check-in time data, which you can add in as a default column when running a general search for all devices. You can sort by last check-in and at least see which Macs have been online recently.
Posted on 10-11-2019 10:23 AM
While it wouldn't be "live", a green dot next to devices that have checked in within the last check-in period would be useful.
Posted on 10-11-2019 11:55 AM
@talkingmoose You'll get no disagreement from me there. I'm not sure that something like that is even on Jamf's radar though.
Barring that, an option to build a Smart Group or search query based on Last Check-in Time that could be in minutes instead of days or a date string would be useful. Then we could make a group like Last Check-in | less than x minutes ago | 30
and place that on the dashboard for a quick look at the # of machines that have recently checked in.