Posted on 03-29-2018 06:48 PM
is no post yet?
Posted on 03-29-2018 07:05 PM
I'll post - our first upgrader has a machine that is now completely hosed and may need to be reimaged (either KPs constantly or runs so slowly that its unusable - boot time is 10+ min and GUI is unresponsive or constantly beachballs)... I'm still looking into what went wrong but based on that, we'll be holding off on letting anyone else get it for the moment. Hopefully others' experiences are better.
With any comment, would be good to know how you're handling Apple's change to User Approved Kernel Extension Loading ( This is no longer disabled by default with MDM and things that were previously approved to load will now prompt for approval.
Posted on 03-29-2018 08:22 PM
"We're going to have zero day support. Hey Apple, is macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 ready yet?" - Jamf
"It should drop today." - Apple
"Great! Hey everyone we just released Jamf Pro 10.3 to coincide with the macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 release from Apple that just got released!" - Jamf
"Hey Jamf. We need to have one more seed for macOS High Sierra 10.13.4...Beta 7." - Apple
"Wait. Wat?! Are you f'n kidding me?! Guys we just dropped Jamf Pro 10.3 fer gawd's sake." - Jamf
"Sorry, remember though, we are not an enterprise company." - Apple
"#facePalm" - Jamf
"Hey Jamf, we FINALLY released macOS High Sierra 10.13.4!" - Apple
"$%)@/!&*S>?!!" - Jamf
"Hey guys, macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 just dropped, and we deployed it to all our users!" - 1st Jamf Nation User to post about release
"Hey guys, anyone have an opening for a bleeding edge, reckless gunslinger?" - 1st Jamf Nation User to get fired for rolling out the new release
Posted on 04-02-2018 10:43 AM
You forgot the part were Apple gets pissed at Jamf for pre-announcing the release and it takes about year for Jamf and Apple to get back to were their relationship was before HS.4
Also 1/2 the Apple people fight with the other 1/2 half about Jamf access to Apple stuff and 1/2 the Jamf people are "upset" with the other 1/2 that "knew" Apple would do this...
: )
Posted on 04-02-2018 10:51 AM
10.3 (just upgraded this weekend) and 10.13.4 with MDM based user-initiated enrollment is working awesome so far in terms of UAKEL approval for Symantec AV and Checkpoint VPN (which are installed during provisioning). Thumbs up so far minus the UAKEL profile failing install on some 10.13.x Macs (it succeeds on others - both are non-UAMDM).