Posted on 11-01-2017 06:54 AM
In the previous Mac OsX releases the askForPassword/askForPasswordDelay properties could be set per user with the following commands:
defaults write /Users/$username/Library/Preferences/ askForPasswordDelay -int $askForPasswordDelay
defaults write /Users/$username/Library/Preferences/ askForPasswordDelay -int $askForPassword
But in 10.13 this does not seem to work anymore. The "askForPassword" property exists, but it is not taken into account. askForPasswordDelay is missing.
is there any way to replicate the functionality if these commands on Mac OsX 10.13?
Posted on 02-16-2018 01:10 AM
Just for the record we used mobile profiles to accomplish these tasks.
Posted on 02-16-2018 09:14 AM
Yep changes were made in HS looks like Apple is cleaning this up...