Machines not checking in

New Contributor III

Hi there,

I am noticing a number of machines not being able to check in when running 'sudo jamf recon' 

We are running 10.33, on prem

➜  ~ sudo jamf recon
Retrieving inventory preferences from
Finding extension attributes...
Locating hard drive information...
Locating accounts...
Locating applications...
Locating package receipts...
Searching path: /System/Applications
Locating software updates...
Locating printers...
Gathering application usage information from the JamfDaemon...
Searching path: /Applications
Locating hardware information (macOS 11.6.0)...

 Is anyone else noticing this? 


New Contributor III

Verbose shows the below, could be an EA that causes it to freeze?

 verbose: Timeout: 10
 verbose: Checking availability of xxx...
 verbose: The JSS is available.
Retrieving inventory preferences from xxx...
Finding extension attributes...
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Admin users
Locating applications...
Locating accounts...
Searching path: /System/Applications
Locating package receipts...
Locating hard drive information...
Locating software updates...
Locating printers...
 verbose: Locating running services...
Gathering application usage information from the JamfDaemon...
 verbose: Gathering auto login user
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/QuickTime
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Photo
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Image
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Time
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/AirPort
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/VoiceOver
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Activity
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Audio MIDI
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/System
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Keychain
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Migration
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Script
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/ColorSync
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Disk
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Bluetooth File
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Boot Camp
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Utilities/Digital Color
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Font
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute AWS CLI 1
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/Mission
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/App
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /System/Applications/System
Searching path: /Applications
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Visual Studio
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Remove Netskope
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Google
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Self
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Beyond
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft Remote
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Citrix
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute AWS CLI 2
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Endpoint Security
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Cisco/Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Cisco/Uninstall
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft Remote Desktop.localized/Microsoft Remote
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Navicat Premium
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Grammarly for
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Workplace
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/IntelliJ
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Check Point
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/pgAdmin
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Authy
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/1Password
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Jamf
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Fotor Photo
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Netskope
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Microsoft
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/
 verbose: Found app: /Applications/Sublime
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Check if Domain joined
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdStrike
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdStrike Network Running Status
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdstrikeFalconAgentv6HearbeatCheckEA
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdstrikeFalconv6AgentIDEA
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdstrikeFalconv6ExtensionStatusEA
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdstrikeFalconv6ExtensionVersionEA
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdstrikeFalconv6LastEstablishedEA
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute CrowdstrikeFalconv6Sensorv2
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Demobilization Status
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Find my Mac
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Homebrew
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Krb5 Realm
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Last User
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Network Account enabled
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Network Time Server
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Oracle Java 8 JDKVersion
 verbose: Finding CoreStorage information...
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute SecureToken Users
 verbose: Running script for the extension attribute Uptime
Locating hardware information (macOS 11.6.0)...
 verbose: Device is BLE capable: yes
 verbose: Device is SIP protected: Enabled
 verbose: Checking AD status...
 verbose: Gatekeeper status: App Store and identified developers



We are having the exact same problem, stuck in the same spot, devices not checking in... I've been working with Jamf support for 3 weeks on this now with no resolution or even a cause. I just keep getting passed off to different people. 

Our temporary work around was to disable any policy that required recon... Not ideal.

New Contributor III

So, I found that my inventory was set to 'once per computer' and not 'once per day' ... seems ok now but monitoring it

New Contributor III

Yeah, same issue, comes back to haunt us after a reboot eventually


So our fix was updating to 12.0.1. No issues on the affected machines since updating.

New Contributor III

I'm on 12.0.1 and facing this issue

Our issues started back last week with devices on 12.0.1.

New Contributor

We're facing this issue with 10.15.7 and I had one user with this issue running under 11.4, I told him to upgrade.

Also, it happened today on my Mac running under 11.6.1 and fixed once rebooted... we will se tomorrow.


Anyone have any luck with this? Haven't had much success with support.

New Contributor III

I am seeing this on some machines as well. Haven't gotten a solid workaround yet.

Anybody get this figured out?

It hangs at "Gatekeeper status: App Store and identified developers"



New Contributor

Facing the same issue on all computers, however running

sudo jamf recon

locally works just fine, so I switched from using "Update Inventory" in Maintenance section of the policy to running a script which doesn't get stuck.

New Contributor II

I am also facing the same issue. I've noticed a few things on my machines as well: 
1.) if the user is experience this, they also have issues checking for software updates. Clicking "System Preferences" - "Software Update" brings them to the "Checking For Updates" screen but it never finishes. 
2.) Upgrading to Monterey seems to fix the issue. 


Has anyone found a solution? We are running 10.35 

Valued Contributor

Same, having users on 11.6.1 (who were unable to update to 11.6.2) upgrade to 12.1 resolved the issue.

New Contributor III

This will fix the issue with Software Updates 

sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/
Did Monterey fix your checking in issue?

This worked for me. Thanks!

New Contributor II

wow, that fixed our issue with software update I'm going to see if that fixes inventory updates. 

Can I ask how you knew the solution? I feel like the softwareupdate issue happened a week or so ago and I can't figure out what caused it. 

So far upgrading to Monterey has fixed it for the folks having the issue with recon/softwareupdate until you showed me this. 

New Contributor III

I too noticed it a week or so ago, not sure what caused it. Someone mentioned it on MacAdmins Slack channel, a few others have this issue too. It has not solved the inventory problems though.

New Contributor II

Running that command has also fixed our jamf recon issues on a few users I just tried it on. I just pinged my former colleagues and they said they are experiencing the same thing with recon/softwareupdates. I appreciate the fix it sounds like something is going on with Apple's Software Update servers. 

New Contributor
Thanks, @kissland !
I have verified that this command (sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/ worked on our machines to fix the inventory updates. 
Before, I had to have the user restart their machine.

Perhaps "Gatekeeper status: App Store and identified developers" or something with recon relies on the Software Update daemon?

I'm so glad that there's another fix that doesn't require restarting the machine!

New Contributor III

This looks like it potentially has fixed the issue... Ran this across a number of machines and the inventory is successful. Will continue to monitor.

Valued Contributor

Chiming in to say we have about ~60 users with this issue on 11.6.1. Recons don't run, and another symptom was that (even after a restart) a user could never successfully check for updates from the command line or in System Preferences.

I have an open ticket with Jamf right now and will send them this thread along with the info I have gathered. It's a frustrating issue to resolve, b/c we'll have to reach out to every user individually. I actually had `sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/` in Self Service to resolve another `softwareupdate` issue from a year or so ago, but Self Service is not successful due to `recon` stalling out from a previous run.

New Contributor II

Hey Everyone, 


I just wanted to give an update on what we are experiencing and how it might help you as well. 

1.) The SoftwareUpdate issue is still ongoing even after running  `sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/`. It fixes it but the issue has came back on some machines. 

2.) This is critical: the reason your JAMF policies/recons are hanging is because JAMF Recon is, by default, set to collect software update information. If you go to Full JSS Settings - Inventory Collection - there will be a setting called "Collect Available Software Updates". If you turn this off, you will still have the "checking for updates" issue but at least your clients will be able to check-in. 


I don't have Apple reps or contacts but this seems like an Apple outage/degradation. Has anyone been able to pinpoint the cause for the "checking for updates" issue? I've reached out to several colleagues that are running JAMF and told them to look for this in their environment and surely enough they've found that their machines stopped checking in about 1-2 weeks ago. Further, JAMF Support told me they've received numerous cases about this. 

New Contributor III

Been ssh-ing into about 80 machines the last couple days to fix this. I love Jamf, but dang I hate Jamf sometimes.

New Contributor II

Just thought I'd chip in on this one having found the post after some head-scratching on why some machines hadn't been checking in!

Initially I tried the verbose recon on a users machine and it was also stalling at the Gatekeeper App store bit.

Ran the command to kickstart softwareupdate and then recon and it ran through fine!
The reboot bit got me thinking and I did a check on the machine I was working on and the last reboot (based on uptime) was around the time it stopped.

New Contributor II

I have one machine with the same issue on Gatekeeper hang. Ran the above command to no avail, Restarted to no avail, Inventory is not set to collect available updates.

New Contributor III

I am experiencing the same. Has anyone found a resolution.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ~ % sudo jamf recon -verbose      

 verbose: Timeout: 10

 verbose: Checking availability of xxxxxxx/…

 verbose: JMFCommons.JamfKeychain.JamfKeychainSecurityError.failedToReadJmfKeychainPassword

 verbose: Error Domain=com.jamf.jamfsecurity.error Code=-25293 "unlockWithPassword:error: : The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=unlockWithPassword:error: : The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct.}


There was an error.


     Device Signature Error - A valid device signature is required to perform the action.


I'm seeing this as well on machines. 

sudo jamf enroll -prompt 

and re-enrolling seems to fix.

New Contributor III

I had a stubborn MacBook Pro that wouldn't finish inventory. The "sudo jamf enroll -prompt" worked for me. Thanks!

New Contributor III

Didn't fix the issue for me, still hangs on "Locating hardware information".
Macos 12.6.9
Jamf 10.50.0

New Contributor III

Old thread I know, but recently had a bunch of machines failing to check in. What I found is that majority of these machines were running "jamf policy" and getting stuck, some of them went back months even.

I ran a "sudo killall jamf" on them, followed by "jamf policy" and they started checking in again without the need to re-enroll the device(s).

I do have a 3rd party patching tool though that allows me to push out scripts and stuff to machines, so that helped bypass Jamf where it couldn't talk to machines.

Its not ideal but better then walking around to 34-40 machines. I think Jamf should deploy some sort of failsafe where if a policy runs for so many hours or days it kills itself and restarts. I think that would fix a lot of these issues where machines are falling off and failing to check in.

Hope this help others.