Posted on 03-10-2017 07:00 AM
Hey everyone, I was referred here from a Reddit post and am new to this site. My environment is simple, I have a Mac Mini 2012 running macOS Sierra (with latest updates). I also have a Windows Server 2016 VM running (at the 2012 R2 functional level for the domain) as a domain controller.
First I had the Server app installed and setup Open Directory to try it out, using the domain
Decided to use Windows Server, so I turned off Open Directory and configured Windows Server 2016
Attempted to bind the Mac to Windows Server and received an error about having a matching replica, after some reading I found the command to completely wipe out the Open Directory configuration. After that, and I sorted out time sync issues - I was finally able to bind the Mac to my Windows Domain
When going back to the Server app, under Groups, all of my groups from the domain listed just fine. However, the number of members for every single group (even ones that had multiple members) said 0. What was odd is this - let's say Group 1 had 2 members in it (John and Jane). The Group list shows 0 members, but double clicking Group 1, shows John and Jane as members in the list. If I click "Ok" without making modifications (or if I try to make modifications) it asks me to login as an admin, and no matter what account I use it says that the account is not a member of the directory node
What is annoying is that some services appear to allow domain accounts to authenticate (wiki, file sharing [kind of]), but the VPN service does not allow me to authenticate (the message I get back when connecting is Authentication Failed)
I never had these issues in El Capitan, so does anyone have any input for me here?