Managed IDs and Universal Control


Hello everyone. So I'm a bit confused about the subject. We're doing a refresh of staff computers this year. M1 MacBook Airs. Until recently they did not have the ability to use this feature due to hardware limitations. Many of them were looking forward to using this feature. A teacher and I were doing some testing on a machine I ordered just for that purpose. When she tried using a popup appeared saying something like "you can't use Universal Control because your account doesn't have 2FA configured.

Of course our Managed ID's have 2FA so I did a bit of searching and came to find out that Managed ID users are unable to use UC. I did a quick search of JAMF Nation and found out there is a profile setting, under restricted,  that allows you to enable UC. My question is does this just work with non-managed ID's?

I'm really disappointed that Apple would do something like this. We purchase the same hardware as consumers do. Use the same software, have 2FA configured. Not only is UC not supported under Continuity but neither are these functions.

Sidecar, Markup, Sketch and Camera.

Using Managed IDs 


Valued Contributor III

Universal control via managed appleIDs will be available soon.