Manged to Unmanaged

New Contributor II

I currently manage mobile devices for clients to remotely record their vital signs. These clients are both in state and out of state. This particular question is referring to a client that is out of state. A client inadvertently signed into a managed iPad using their iCloud which then made the device unmanaged. Aside from getting in touch with the client to have them sign into the iPad and erase the data or contacting Apple with the receipt of purchase, does anyone know of a way to make the device managed again? Because it is now unmanaged I cannot do any controls or configurations within JAMF. What ever insight anyone has would be so helpful! Happy to provide screen shots as needed!

Thanks in advance!



You will have to enroll the devices again. You could send them a link ( to have them enroll the device.

New Contributor II

By enroll the devices again, do you mean enroll the device again with DEP?

New Contributor III

Yes, you need to re-enroll your devices as per your setup, if your devices Enabled for DEP or URL as mention above link