MAS VPP and Xcode

Valued Contributor II

I've scoured through the 'Nation and not really found anyone discussing this. What with device based app installation from the App Store, and our issues with a VERY large (maybe close to 20GB package) for Xcode, we're trying to transition to the VPP/MAS delivery. Has anyone successfully done this and delivered SDKs/Simulators to workstations programmatically? Am I still going to end up packaging those up and deploying them manually? I've search and searched and not found a clean/easy way to do this.

And really, most of my headache revolves around not allowing our devs local admin rights, so when they need a new/updated simulator, they have to open a ticket, get someone to remote in, provide credentials, etc.

I've run the usual

/usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity -enable
/usr/bin/dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership $username

And the request is still for admin-level rights.

Thoughts? Am I not seeing the forest because of the trees?


Valued Contributor II

We install via self service, but maybe our workflow would help you.

We take the .app and create a package of it by dragging into composer.

There's a post install script that runs that I think I got from Rich Trouton's blog


# Accept EULA so there is no prompt

if [[ -e "/Applications/" ]]; then
  /Applications/ -license accept

# Install Mobile Device Package so there is no prompt

if [[ -e "/Applications/" ]]; then
  /usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "/Applications/" -target /

if [[ -e "/Applications/" ]]; then
  /usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "/Applications/" -target /

exit 0

Then, via smart group, anyone who gets xcode gets this ran once per computer via policy
Run Unix command '/usr/sbin/DevToolsSecurity –enable'

and running ongoing at login for computers with xcode (wouldn't need to be ongoing if you weren't deploying to shared computer/labs)

#! /bin/sh
dseditgroup -o edit -a $3 -t user _developer
exit 0