Posted on 12-06-2018 08:29 PM
Hey fellow admins,
I'm in a situation every year where I need to un-scope anything and everything from all my mobile device apps in JSS. I put together a script that uses curl to do API calls and does the job. I thought I might share it f anyone else may need a similar task in their environment. Just change the JSS URL and credentials in the commands to suit yours.
#Bash Script to un-scope all smart groups from all your apps
#The script does an API call to your JSS to retrieve and list all your app's ID's
#Takes this info and does an API update (PUT) through a bash loop removing all scoped smart groups from all your apps in JSS
# Find the IDs for the applications
IDs=$(curl -sku YourUserName:YourPassword -H "content-type: text/xml" https://YourJSSURL:8443/JSSResource/mobiledeviceapplications | xmllint --format - | awk -F '[<>]' '/<id>/{print $3}')
#Loop through the IDs in the variable and action a command for each of them
for idNumber in $IDs
curl -sku YourUserName:YourPassword -H "content-type: text/xml" https://YourJSSURL:8443/JSSResource/mobiledeviceapplications/id/$idNumber -X PUT -d "<mobile_device_application>
<name>Apple TVs</name>