MCX, Configuration Profiles and Login Scripts


Hi all,

I am currently working on getting my login scripts working via a configuration profile. I am using Casper 9.32 and only bind to Active Directory.

Workgroup manager and Caspers Configuration Profile for 'Loginwindow" under "scripts" says the following:-

The above settings require specific properties in the file
~root/Library/Preferences/, located on the client computer:
- Set EnableMCXLoginScripts to TRUE.
- Set MCXScriptTrust to match the binding settings used to connect the client computer to the directory domain.

I have done the first part by using the following command:-

defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/ EnableMCXLoginScripts TRUE

I am aware I can set the MCXScriptTrust to "Anonymous" which should work anyway (not sure on the capitalisation) but how can I find "the binding settings used to connect the client computer to the directory domain" when I just use the JAMF AD bind to join. Is there a simple command to find the MCXScriptTrust settings i should be applying?




Ok must be something else wrong as its not working. I have changed EnableMCXScripts to "1" as this was the setting that worked on Mountain Lion previously but my login scripts aren't running yet. Does anyone have any ideas (or at least sanity check what I am doing so far?)


Or I just run the script as a policy at login. and another script as a policy at logout. Still trying to use old methods where Casper has an alternative :)