MDM for shared apple id

New Contributor

I have a question about shared apple id's in a school setting. I manage 3 carts of 20 ipads for elementary and will be adding another 20 ipads in the fall. We are moving to Casper by May. Will the MDM replace the need for adding another expensive ipad cart or can I just use a charging station and the MDM? The catch is, each set of 20 ipads shares an apple id. Any help is appreciated!


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Well, you certainly have options. Sharing an AppleID limits those. The supported way for this is to either have individual ID's and used managed app deployment or to use configurator to manage licensed content. Being in carts, you're probably headed the configurator route for licensed content and MDM for managing other aspects of the device and having things like Focus available.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Either way I wouldn't buy a cart though. Just have a charging area and a syncing area. The two don't necessarily need to be married together which is what drives up the cost.

New Contributor

Thanks for help. I was afraid of that...

New Contributor II

In our shared carts (Middle School & Elementary Schools) we assign a single AppleID to no more than 8 iPads. A cart with 20 iPads uses 3 different AppleIDs. We keep a spreadsheet of the info.