Migrate Mac from Centrify to Jamf Pro
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Posted on 11-01-2016 04:48 AM
I need to migrate around 100 Centrify machines to Jamf Pro. Most of the devices already have Jamf Pro installed, but also have Centrify.
My aim is to remove Centrify, and keep the users data. However when running the Centrify uninstaller it unbinds the device from Active Directory breaking our Jamf Pro bind too. If I resolve that issue, the users permissions are still incorrect. I can manually resolve this by running the chown command, but that seems to break some Applications that need the wheel permission group.
I would like to be able to automate this process, and do it all remotely if possible. How could I achieve this?
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Posted on 11-01-2016 05:11 AM
Not to familiar with Centrify but I'm assuming you can push a package to all your machines using it right? If so I would create a package based on the JAMF Pro quick installer package (you can create one using Casper Recon). Then add a post-install script that does the following:
1) Save user data to alternative location (like network share)
2) Run Centrify uninstaller
3) Run Jamf Pro binary to enroll machine. I usually use the following command:
sudo jamf createConf -url 'https://jss.company.com:8443/' -k;sudo jamf startSSH;sudo jamf enroll -invitation 166222421695850711274991501866187933345
4) Use JAMF Pro to rebind computer to AD
5) Have the script correct the permissions
6) Grab the user data from the network location
Good luck!

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Posted on 11-01-2016 06:34 AM
Ok Centrify is it's own AD bind, and doesn't store things in the dscl db the same way as the Apple plugin. It doesn't even use the same kind of record keeping! So yes, when you remove the Centrify bind you'll be left with a bunch of home folders and no internal records to reference them to anything.
The good news is that the home folders should have the same names as if you were using the Apple AD plugin. As a result, the process goes something like this: (Obviously testing is required!)
1) Remove Centrify from machine.
2) Rebind to AD using the Apple AD plugin.
3) Fix the home folder permissions.
That should allow the existing user to login and their locally cached data should remain intact.
Git is blocked at work so I can't currently link directly but pieces of the above are scattered all over my GitHub at http://www.github.com/franton

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Posted on 11-01-2016 07:21 AM
What @franton posted is true, and I would only add that it's beneficial to maybe manage these devices with Casper and then use Casper workflows to remove Centrify as he described. As a Centrify admin, I have some color commentary to add:
- Whether or not Centrify was used to install additional Root CAs, de-binding and uninstalling it may remove them. Watch out if your company needs additional CAs installed (for example, internal CAs for your internal web servers).
- If the above is a factor for you, you'll lose connectivity to your endpoints during the swap (assuming your JSS ends up signed by the same CA). You should design a Casper policy that works around this, for example by caching a package that installs and trusts your CA, then running a script like the one below. Your user should be logged out, obviously...
(this is a sketch - not a polished and tested script)
# Leave the domain and force non-interactive uninstall Centrify
/usr/local/share/centrifydc/bin/adleave -f
/usr/local/share/centrifydc/bin/uninstall.sh -n -e
# install cached RootCA
/usr/local/bin/jamf installAllCached
# fix permissions
for USER_HOME in /Users/*
USER_UID=`basename "${USER_HOME}"`
chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"
# bind
/usr/local/bin/jamf policy -trigger adswap
# This would be another policy that performs your non-Centrify AD bind
# Exiting; should probably reboot now...
exit 0
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Posted on 11-01-2016 07:30 AM
We just moved from Centrify to Apple AD plugin this past summer.
Post from Franton contained the basics of the procedure we also used for our migration.
A couple of the items we encountered were.
Shared devices. Something to keep in mind if you have labs etc... as your end users of those could encounter issues and fixing all of their home directory permissions on those devices as the users all log in on those previously used machines... If you have a 1 to 1 deployment fixing home folder issues for the most part wasn't a problem for those devices / users. Wished we had a script to handing the repairs at login but it worked out.
We un-bound before un-installing the client. In many cases we have left our AD centrify agent installed "just in-case" and will be un-installing the client on the next round of imaging...
If you are mapping any file shares via centrify / ad you might consider a good script to handle the mapping via Jamf.
Printer Shares and security were running from group policies which also needed to be redirected over to Jamf. Just takes a while to get everything migrated and tweaked...
Good Luck!
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Posted on 11-02-2016 07:33 AM
Thanks for the responses. This is what I have achieved so far:
#Echo on
set -x
#Add localadmin user
sysadminctl -addUser localadmin -fullName "localadmin" -UID 499 -password "pass" -home /Users/localadmin/ -admin
#Leave AD
adleave -r --user casper --password pass
sleep 15
#Uninstall Centrify
/bin/sh /usr/local/share/centrifydc/bin/uninstall.sh -n
#Change directory and download QuickAdd
cd /Users/Shared && curl -L -o QuickAdd.pkg https://goo.gl/something
#Install QuickAdd
installer -pkg QuickAdd.pkg -target /
#Remove QuickAdd installer
rm QuickAdd.pkg
#Bind to Active Directory
jamf policy -event Bind2
sleep 15
#Fix user permissions
for USER_HOME in /Users/*
USER_UID=`basename "${USER_HOME}"`
chown -R "${USER_UID}":"DOMAINDomain Users" "${USER_HOME}"
chown -R admin":"staff" /Users/admin
#Download 802.1x Certificate
jamf policy -event 802
#Prompt User for a new Hostname
hostname=$(/usr/bin/osascript <<-'__EOF__'
tell application "System Events"
set input to display dialog "Enter New Computer Name: " default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
return text returned of input as string
end tell
#Set hostname to value entered above
scutil --set ComputerName "$hostname"
scutil --set LocalHostName "$hostname"
scutil --set HostName "$hostname"
sleep 5
#Send FileVault key to Jamf
jamf policy -event NewFVKey
sleep 5
#Convert Mobile Account to Local Account
jamf policy -event MobileLocal
#Update inventory
jamf recon
The issue I am now having, is at some point after the unbind/permissions fix, it breaks the account, so that the 802.1x profile cannot be installed. I cannot open System Preferences, until the Mac is restarted.
I need to run the 802.1x command as the user, as we use user certificates. So I cannot run this under the admin account.
Can I restart through the script, then resume it after a reboot?

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Posted on 11-02-2016 10:23 AM
Here's a script from macmule. All glory to macmule.
# More information: http://macmule.com/2013/02/18/correct-ad-users-home-mobile-home-folder-permissions/
# GitRepo: https://github.com/macmule/CorrectADUsersHomeFolderPermissions
# License: http://macmule.com/license/
# Get the Active Directory Node Name
adNodeName=`dscl /Search read /Groups/Domain Users | awk '/^AppleMetaNodeLocation:/,/^AppleMetaRecordName:/' | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -c 2-`
# Get the Domain Users groups Numeric ID
domainUsersPrimaryGroupID=`dscl /Search read /Groups/Domain Users | grep PrimaryGroupID | awk '{ print $2}'`
# Gets the unique ID of the Users account locally, if that fails performs a lookup
uniqueID ()
# Attempt to query the local directory for the users UniqueID
accountUniqueID=`dscl . -read /Users/$1 2>/dev/null | grep UniqueID | cut -c 11-`
# If no value recived for the Users account, attempt a lookup on the domain
if [ -z "$accountUniqueID" ]; then
echo "Account is not on this mac..."
accountUniqueID=`dscl "$adNodeName" -read /Users/$1 2>/dev/null | grep UniqueID | awk '{ print $2}'`
# Sets IFS to newline
# Returns a list of all folders found under /Users
for userFolders in `ls -d -1 /Users/* | cut -c 8- | sed -e 's/ /\ /g' | grep -v "Shared"`
# Return folder name found in /Users/
echo "$userFolders..."
# Check to see if folders contain a /Desktop folder, if they do assume it's a Home Folder
if [ -d /Users/"$userFolders"/Desktop ]; then
# Pass $userFolders to function uniqueID
uniqueID "$userFolders"
echo "User $userFolders's UniqueID = $accountUniqueID..."
### The below is well echoed so should be explanatory ###
if [ -z "$accountUniqueID" ]; then
echo "Account is not local & cannot be found on $adNodeName... "
echo "Removing all ACL's from /Users/$userFolders/ Account..."
sudo chmod -R -N /Users/$userFolders
echo "Clearing locks on any locked files/folder found in /Users/$userFolders/..."
sudo chflags -R nouchg /Users/$userFolders
echo "Making /Users/$userFolders/ fully accessible to all..."
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/$userFolders
echo "Removing all ACL's from /Users/$userFolders/ Account..."
sudo chmod -R -N /Users/$userFolders
echo "Clearing locks on any locked files/folder found in /Users/$userFolders/..."
sudo chflags -R nouchg /Users/$userFolders
if [ 1000 -gt "$accountUniqueID" ]; then
echo "$accountUniqueID is a local account..."
echo "As local account, setting Owners to $accountUniqueID:staff..."
sudo chown -R $accountUniqueID:staff /Users/$userFolders/
echo "User $userFolders is a Domain account..."
echo "$domainUsersPrimaryGroupID is the ID for the Domain Users group..."
echo "As domain account, setting Owners to $accountUniqueID:$domainUsersPrimaryGroupID..."
sudo chown -R $accountUniqueID:$domainUsersPrimaryGroupID /Users/$userFolders
echo "Setting rwxr--r-- permission for Owner, Read for Everyone for everything under /Users/$userFolders..."
sudo chmod -R 755 /Users/$userFolders/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Desktop/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Desktop..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Desktop/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Documents/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Documents..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Documents/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Downloads/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Downloads..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Downloads/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Library/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Library..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Library/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Movies/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Movies..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Movies/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Music/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Music..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Music/
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Pictures/ ]; then
echo "Setting rwx permission for Owner, None for Everyone for /Users/$userFolders/Pictures..."
sudo chmod 700 /Users/$userFolders/Pictures/
# If the Public folder exists in /Users/$userFolders/, give it it's special permissions
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Public/ ]; then
echo "Setting Read only access for Everyone to /Users/$userFolders/Public/..."
sudo chmod -R 755 /Users/$userFolders/Public
# If the Drop Box folder exists in /Users/$userFolders/, give it it's special permissions
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Public/Drop Box/ ]; then
echo "Drop Box folder found, setting Write only access for Everyone to /Users/$userFolders/Public/Drop Box/..."
sudo chmod -R 733 /Users/$userFolders/Public/Drop Box/
# Notify if not found
echo "Public folder not found @ /Users/$userFolders/Public/..."
# If the Sites folder exists in /Users/$userFolders/, give it it's special permissions
if [ -d /Users/$userFolders/Sites/ ]; then
echo "Setting Read only access for Everyone to /Users/$userFolders/Public/..."
sudo chmod -R 755 /Users/$userFolders/Public
# Notify if not found
echo "Sites folder not found @ /Users/$userFolders/Sites/..."
#Creates a new line in the output, making it more readable
echo ""
echo "No Desktop folder in /Users/$userFolders/.. Setting rwx for all to /Users/$userFolders/..."
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/$userFolders/
# Resets IFS
unset IFS
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Posted on 11-02-2016 11:21 AM
Will give that a try.
If I am repairing permissions mid way through the migration, will that cause any issues with the rest of the script running?
As I think that might be why the 802.1x mobile config profile isn't installing. As I wasn't able to access System Prefs after making the changes in the script above. A restart resolves it though, but I can't do that in the middle of running the script.